Image Right-Click Menu

Right-clicking on an image will give you the ability to Duplicate, Cut, Copy, or Paste the image.

Additional options are:

Paste in Place – This pastes the copied item into the exact same location as the original.

Arrange – Use this option to change the layer order for the selected text box. Choose from Bring to Front, Bring Forward, Send Backward, and Send to Back.

Align to Canvas – Use these options to align an image to the vertical center, horizontal center, bottom, top, far left, or far right of the canvas.

Rotation – You can choose to rotate a text box either 90, 180, or 270 degrees with this option. Selecting "0 degrees" will return the textbox to its original position. You can also rotate the image by hovering on the gray dot at the top of the box until arrows appear and then dragging in the direction you wish to rotate.

Transform – Use these options to flip the text box. Choose from Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, or Mirror options.

When two or more items on the canvas are selected (text or images), you will also see the following options in the right-click menu:

Group – Clicking on the Group option will group the items together so they move and resize as one entity. Click Ungroup to release the items to individual elements again.

Align to Items – This feature will line up selected design elements on the canvas with each other. Choose to align the selected items by the horizontal edges, vertical edges, bottom or top edges, and left or right edges of the items.

Distribute – This feature appears when three or more items are selected on the canvas and allows you to evenly space out these elements on the canvas between the two farthest selected items.

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